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Daniel Isplay: Kris Mark Cardenas
Sam Olid: Mina Gabriall
Jenifer Saria: E. Kimberly Dichoso

Janice: Sydney Lockard
Kevin: Brandon Chulaluxsiriboon
Salad Girl: Amanda Friese

Voice of Professor: Robert Nideffer

Holly Chovan
Nam Doan
Jessica Ng
Allex Pak
Matt Peacock
Gaia Puig
Cullen Reilly
Jacquie Rouieheb
Michelle Villanueva
Stephanie Yang
Maile Yee


Director: Edward Patrick Alva
Assistant Director: Valerie Chin
Director of Photography: Edric Silla

Script Coordinators: Adrian Ortiz, Kasey Dizon
Location Manager: Mika Nagashima
Production Assistants: Arman Afshari, Jonathan Lim

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