02/06 - January Progress Report>
A little over a month has passed since I started taking on the challenge of getting fit. It hasn't been the easiest thing to do, especially with life getting in the way, this past week I didn't exercise as much as I should have because of work and things but yesterday I managed to have a really good (frustration-busting) workout, so today I'm very sore and feeling lots better now.
I figure now's a good time to tally up my progress for the month. I think I'll be doing these recaps on a monthly basis to see how far (or little) I've come from the previous month. Here goes:
Chest Fly - 40lbs => 70lbs
Chest Press - 50lbs => 80lbs
Lat Rows - 50lbs => 80lbs
Lat Pull-Downs - 60lbs => 80lbs
Bicep Curls - 35lbs => 70lbs
Ab Machine - 75lbs => 110lbs
Shoulder Press - 35lbs => 40lbs
Not bad, I suppose.
If there's an area that I've been neglecting, it's definitely the lower half of my body. Legs, I figure, would get worked out via my cardio routine (and they do), but I definitely should pay more attention to it. Also, I think I should eventually start breaking up my workouts to target specific body parts per session as opposed to whole-body workouts. For now though, it feels like my body can repair itself in time for the next gym session, but once I can't, it'll be time for me to switch over. (As you can see, I've been doing my homework on this stuff. Pretty good, right? :p)