02/25 - I'm still here>
So Nicki has successfully guilt-tripped me into making an entry for this side of my resolution site, and rightly so; it's been weeks since my last update. Yes, admittedly, getting fit has been on the back burner this month. The past weekend was particularly bad. Why?
Val and Nicki came to SoCal to visit.
Them coming wasn't bad. (It was quite the oposite, in fact!) But within the span of three or four days, I'm pretty sure I made up for not eating junk food the last month and a half. :x Since then I've been back to eating healthy, but I haven't been going to the gym. My work/internship has started getting a little more hectic as of late, and I've been coming home exhausted. Couple that with the hour and a half long commutes? Sleep > Gym always.
What it is is a test of my will power and how effectively I can convince myself to go to the gym in spite of my body telling me to just crawl into bed after work. I think what I'll need to do is build my way up to doing the gym as often as I should instead of jumping head-first into it and then getting overwhelmed by it all and ultimately slacking because of it. So, it's mini goal-setting time.
Gym twice a week: once on weds, once on the weekend.
Gym 3 times a week: mon, weds, weekend.
Gym weekdays after work + weekend. (Not weights every day, of course.)
Can I do it? Is this too intense? I'm most definitely open to suggestions. I'm looking at it now and it seems reasonable enough (I may just be a bit delirious from lack of sleep, but that's beside the point).
Not all has been lost, though. I've been pretty good (barring this past weekend) on the nutrition/eating front of this resolution. Of course there's always room for improvement. Thanks to Val and Nicki visiting, I've been reminded of my tendency to eat extremely fast. I've been working on it since and have consequently been eating less and getting hungrier more. THANKS, YOU TWO. I guess because of that, it would probably be good for me to adopt the whole "5 small meals per day" shtick. I might as well, right? The trouble would be figuring out how to coordinate those meal times... I think I'll tackle that on a later date (ok, wrapping this up soon; my eyes are starting to close on their own). Oh, and Poon suggests I post more food-related posts and I agree. Maybe you guys will see more of that in the future.
Anyway, I think that's that. I'll keep you guys posted! (HAPPY, NICKI??)