02/12 - Being Sick>
"I've been sick these past couple days, so I haven't been able to hit the gym as hard as I could have."
That'd be a perfectly valid excuse since I have been sick and I haven't been exercising like I should; but to be entirely truthful, it isn't so much that I'm sick as it is I've just been slacking in terms of sticking to my resolution. It's been almost a week since my last real workout session and if it wasn't for Jacqui dragging me out to the gym today, I probably wouldn't have been active this whole weekend.
Chest Fly: 50lbs - 3× 15 reps (-20lbs)
Chest Press: 60lbs - 3× 15 reps (-20lbs)
Ab Machine: 110lbs - 3× 15 reps
Lat Rows: 80lbs - 3× 15 reps
Lat Pull-downs: 80lbs - 1× 15 reps (struggled)
Bicep Curls: 70lbs - 3× 15 reps
Shoulder Press: 40lbs - 3× 15 reps (+10lbs)
Cardio: none (was congested and couldn't breathe, so running probably wouldn't be the best thing to do.)
Yeah, while I've backtracked a bit, going to the gym today felt really, really good. I think slacking may have been the reason why I got sick in the first place; I feel a lot better than I did this morning. Not having internship work to do this coming week will give me a chance to bring myself back up to where I ought to be and hopefully give me the momentum to keep going. Wish me luck!